What is web server?
Web server is nothing but a computer which stores data and serves that data whenever it gets a request from browser through internet.
Web server connects to the internet and interchanges data with devices which are connected to internet.
Web servers stores website component file(eg. html, CSS and JavaScript files).
Whenever browser needs a file that is hosted on web server, the browser request a file through http.
Live server-
Whenever we made any changes in the html file we need to go and manually refresh the page to see the changes in the browser as the page serves through the system's memory.
To overcome this job of reloading an extension named Live Server was created. Live Server does this task of reloading just by tracking the status of the code which is written or modified.
One of the most famous Live Server extension is Live Server by Ritwick Dey.
It allows developers to type short cut for tags that will expanded into full line of code after hitting tab.
It saves time of development.
If we enter an exclamation mark(!) followed by tab, then it will create the basic structure of html page.(i.e head and body).
How to create webpage?
- For creating a webpage, we use html language(Hypertext Markup Language ) whatever the things we want to display on the webpage we need to write in html code and save the file with the extension .htm or .html.
HTML Tags-
html tag- This is a root tag of the html page. It is a container for other tags of html page. We can set a lang attribute inside html tag which defines the language of page.
title tag- This tag helps to set the title to the document and it shows in the browser's title bar.
head tag- This is a container for metadata, script, styles tag.
body tag- Whatever comes inside this tag will show in the browser.
h1,h2 tag- These tags are used for define heading in html page.
p tag- This tag is used for creating paragraph.
img tag- With help of img tag we can add images in the html page. In this tag we can set attributes like source, alt, width and height.
anchor tag- With the help of this tag we can able to create hyperlinks. We can set the href attribute to this tag.